Welcome To Our Kiko Goats Farm!

Here you will find our 100% New Zealand Kiko Goats for sale along with the products we proudly offer. Welcome to Natures Nook Farm!

New Zealand Kiko Goats for Sale


Our Farm

Nestled on a quiet Walton County dirt road in Good Hope, Georgia, our high quality Kiko Goats thrive on a natural food supply: grazing, hay, grain, and minerals. Separate pastures are maintained for bucks and does, with a few extra fenced paddocks for breeding, hay storage and special needs. To keep them safe from outsiders, we maintain electrified post and wire fences (don’t tell them we are just trying to keep them in).


Goats are mischievous, therefore, for bumps and cuts we keep a goat first aid kit handy. Testing all goats for Johne’s, CAE, and CL ensures a healthy herd. Vaccinations include CD&T and worming for individual goats only when needed. We maintain a very healthy herd and ,in turn, take many measures to keep it that way. Above all, we strive to continually improve. Our latest pasture management includes no-till seeding with a mix of grains and legumes in the Spring and a different mix for the Fall. Healthy goats are happy goats!

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Meet Our Goats

100% New Zealand Kiko goats are the flagship of our farm. Herd selection focuses on quality blood lines, health, kidding, growth rates and temperament. We ensure 100% purity of our line coupled with NKR Registered and Parents DNA verification.

Blues Blues Blues

After years of planning, acquired a top pedigree Blue buck and 5 blue does. 2025 will bring beautiful Blue kids to the farm! Our kids reside on farms from Texas to Florida to North Carolina and most places in between.


The herd comes running for treats whenever we enter the pasture. They know their names and quickly poke their noses in my pockets searching for Animal Crackers. Being generous with treats tames even the most unruly or wild goat. Further more, we provide a never ending supply of Bermuda hay and free choice minerals.


As a result of pampering and attention to detail, our herd receives the best possible care. If the temperature dips below 50 degrees, the rear barn door stays closed so they have a place out of the drafty wind. If it is raining, their grain is served up in the barn. If we are not available, our caretaker comes by to feed and pamper.

View our kiko goats

What's Happening

Nature’s Nook Farm is in Georgia, United States.

19 hours 49 minutes ago

To my often questions, here is the run down on my grain feeders. The 4x4 treated posts are 7’ buried about 2’, no concrete. I

Nature’s Nook Farm is in Good Hope, GA.

21 hours 41 minutes ago

We tag kids ears at 3 weeks of age to give their ears a chance to develop and not get torn by catching a tag.

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